Monday, December 11, 2017

Devastating California Wildfires Puts Insurance Industry And Property Brokers On Watch

Apocalyptic-looking photos circulating online of drivers rounding a corner while a mountain on fire blazes brightly through the night effectively summarize the situation southern Californians are facing during the first week of December 2017. According to the Los Angeles Times, Bel-Air residents were forced to leave their homes as of Dec. 7 and hundreds of buildings have already been destroyed by four fast-moving wildfires across the region. The town of Ojai and its 7,000 residents were being protected by fire-fighting crews as flames threatened even more property there. Those in the property insurance field and others researching Insurance Schools Inc. as they prepare to follow that career path are closely following the fire as it unfolds. That’s because those who work as California property and casualty insurance agents know how devastating a wildfire can be and since this recent outbreak shows no signs of slowing, there will be much work to do in its wake.

According to the Times, the fire sweeping across Ventura County has consumed 90,000 acres and is just 5 percent contained. Just west of Los Angeles proper, Ventura County is home to such recognizable destinations as Ventura, Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks. In Sylmar, which is north of downtown Los Angeles in the San Fernando Valley, the Times reports that 100,000 people have been evacuated and 30 homes have been destroyed. In a guide put together by the newspaper to assist homeowners under threat from brush fires, it’s suggested that homeowners turn off the water, gas and electricity and remove flammable window shades after shutting windows.

While the above precautions are of interest to California property insurance brokers, sometimes the very worst will happen despite your best efforts to protect your property. That’s where insurance comes into play and it’s essential that those considering Insurance Schools Inc. as a state exam preparation service know that they are receiving the most up-to-date materials available. By enrolling in this online course, you’ll have around-the-clock access to hundreds of state-specific questions as they pertain to the California Property Broker-Agent exam. As those who’ve completed the online exam preparation course will tell you, Insurance Schools Inc. is an indispensable service for learning crucial aspects of your state’s property insurance policies and for passing the state-administered test for becoming a licensed insurance agent. While we hope for the very best to come out of this tragic situation in California, there’s no doubt that home owners will soon be rounding up what’s left and calling property adjusters and their insurance companies to see what can be done about rebuilding and reimbursement.